Parsing to Python

To begin conversion to a HTML form, we need to parse the JSON file into Python equivalents, such as dictionary, strings, lists etc. To do this, we create a method which takes the file path to the JSON file as a parameter. In this method, we will first load the JSON file using the file path parameter and the json.load() method, as shown below.

Opening JSON as a dict

Writing the Form

From here, we create a text file:

form = open("form.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8")

This is what we will write our HTML code in. To start, we need to:
  • State the doctype
  • Write a header
  • Open the body tag
  • Have a header for the page
  • Open the form tag
Here is some sample code you can use as an example:
Sample HTML code

Naming Conventions of Elements

As you may be working with large file sizes, it is important that all your form elements have unique file names, so you don’t have any issues during conversion.

A good way to do this is to use the address, how you navigate to the value in the dictionary e.g., fruits[0][“name”], as the name of the form element. There are many advantages to this such as:

  • It can be used universally for any JSON file
  • It is very descriptive and shows the address of the value
  • It will help when you are converting the form back into JSON syntax

There are other ways such as finding specific IDs, but these wouldn’t be as useful to other users.

You will also need to escape special characters so that no errors occur in the HTML code. To do this I used ord() and chr() to replace the special characters with their unicode value. This has worked well so far for me, so I expect it will work for you too.

Extracting Information

To extract information, I used a recursive method which has parameters:

  • js = a JSON dict or an element of the dict
  • char_form = the file we are writing the HTML code to
  • path = the dict path to the element we are currently at
  • label = the name of the element we are currently at
In this method, we find the instance of the element “js” and depending on the instance we pass the parameters again to the appropriate method. In my example, I currently have four of these methods for converting dict, list, str, and int but more advanced methods can be created like converting dates, money, or images. This code is shown below:

JSON to Element Code

Converting Dict and List to Elements

The conversion of dict and list is very similar, for both we open a new div tag to separate it from the previous section, then we iterate through each element of the dict/list passing the element as a parameter to our instance checker and passing it to the correct method for conversion.

Dict to Element Code

Converting Str and Int to Elements

Like before, the conversion of str and int is very similar. The only difference being that we need to cast the int value to str to write it to the text file. Once we have passed the str/int element to the appropriate method, we create a label for the input type using the parameter “label” as the label value. From here, we get the length of the “js” value and according to this length, we either create a text box, for a smaller value, or a text area, for a larger value. In this text box/area, we use “js” as the value. For both the label and text box/area, we need to make sure we have “name” and “id” attributes. The values of both being the path to the element we discussed earlier.

Str to Element Code

Finishing Writing

Once we have converted all elements of the JSON dict into HTML form code, we need to finish the HTML code. To do this, we add a “submit” input for submitting the form, then we close the form, body, and html tags. Now we have a full page of HTML code ready to display.

HTML End Code


To display our HTML code, we use Flask, a micro web framework written in Python. It’s easy to download. Go to the terminal of your computer, into the environment you’re working in (check vs code) and type:

pip install Flask

Now, we need to create a program which will run the Flask web server. Here is an example. All you will need to do is download the example, replace “formalise” with the module your converter is in and replace the file path with the path to your JSON file. Once it is up and running, you should be able to view your form. In the next section we will see how we parse the feedback.